Infinite Desires and the Perfect Fulfillment

Zsolt Hermann
8 min readSep 22, 2024


The engine that drives life, the matter through which we feel ourselves existing, is a desire or need.

Consciously or unconsciously, we constantly feel a desire and need to exist and to fulfill all the necessities and cravings that awaken in us.

We do not fully articulate it, but we define the meaning of our lives as the sensation and fulfillment of our needs and lacks.

Without new desires awakening in us and driving us, we do not feel the sensation of life.

It is not only a human phenomenon.

The whole of nature exists this way.

Even rocks and other “inanimate” objects have a “desire” to maintain their structure; without this innate need to hold onto their actual structure, they could not remain as they are; they simply fall apart into minute particles.

This “primordial” desire for existence and fulfillment is more obvious in plants and then even more obvious on the animate level of nature.

However, human beings are unique even in this respect.

Although in most things – including our DNA and our totally blind and instinctive way of living – we are almost identical to animals, there are some very important differences between human beings and other animals.

Our human uniqueness is the human ego.

The human ego totally separates us from other human beings and from nature’s system. The ego makes us sense our existence as totally independent and standalone beings.

We – mistakenly – believe that we can exist without each other; moreover, we actively pursue our existence at the expense of other humans and nature.

The ego disconnects us from nature’s totally integrated and mutually complementing life flow.

We simply do not feel or even comprehend the total and absolute “mutual guarantee” in nature, the 100% selfless and altruistic mutual responsibility and collective coexistence for the sake of sustaining and strengthening nature’s general balance and homeostasis that life depends on. All non-human elements of nature are blindly committed to this.

This is why we do not feel how much through our actions and activities; we constantly destroy and consume everything like cancer.

Since we do not feel the general balance and homeostasis of nature, we also do not know what our true necessities are. Thus, our “necessities” and subsequent consumption are way beyond what we truly need.

This culminated in our generation’s hedonistic, narcissistic, and all-consuming lifestyle, which is now threatening life on our planet.

We do not just want what we seemingly need.

We also want what others have, and we receive true joy from acquiring what others have and seeing them fail and fall. We constantly thrive to elevate ourselves above others and to control and exploit them.

On the other hand, this human uniqueness that comes from the ego – feeling and wanting what others have – also gives us a unique opportunity to develop a very different lifestyle that leads to a truly necessary and perfect fulfillment of all.

Unique empirical natural scientists – who have been studying human nature and nature’s all-encompassing system for millennia – explain that before human beings developed through the unique human ego, which human ego gave us the self-perception of unique individuality and separation from others and from nature, there existed only a single, primordial desire against a single all-encompassing and all-powerful source of life that was fulfilling that single primordial desire perfectly.

On the other hand, that single primordial desire was unconscious, without actually sensing the source fulfilling it, and without consciously and fully and tangibly enjoying that fulfillment and its relation to the life-creating source.

Nature’s inanimate, vegetative, and animate system still exists as that original desire.

All of nature’s inanimate, vegetative, and animate elements blindly and instinctively fulfill their obligatory and predetermined roles in nature’s “circle of life,” sustaining the general balance, homeostasis, and life flow so the system can exist and evolve further.

They also receive from nature’s system exactly what they need in order to fulfill their obligatory role in the system.

However, at this stage, there is no conscious, active, and tangibly sensing observer in the system. There is “nobody” who could actually feel how the original desire works, how it is fulfilled perfectly, and what the unique cause and effect processes are that create and conduct life.

Humanity, human beings were purposefully created by nature’s evolution with the seemingly destructive and opposite-to-nature ego.

Although this human ego is destructive like cancer – especially in the globally integrated and mutually interdependent natural system we exist in – this ego, through its insatiable yearning for more, and its unique curiosity, gives us the possibility no other elements in nature have: to “enter” each other, feel and sympathize with each other.

By default, we use this unique and egoistic human ability in its instinctive form to feel and “enter” one another to use, exploit, and control each other.

This is what causes humanity’s downfall and the seemingly inevitable and imminent self-destruction we are facing.

On the other hand, if we learned and practiced how to use this uniquely human ability to feel each other, to sense the desires and viewpoints of each other, and to sympathize with each other in an opposite, totally selfless and altruistic way – above and against our instinctively egotistic, subjective and individualistic urges – we could reconnect the original single Human desire and reconnect this single, integrated Human desire to nature’s all-encompassing system.

As long as we continue our present, limited, distorted, individualistic, egocentric, and subjective existence, the pleasures we can receive are extremely small and transient. We try to invent all kinds of ways to expand our capacity to receive pleasures – like the Romans forcefully making themselves vomit after feasts so they could continue eating more or using all kinds of substances to augment and multiply the pleasures, we can feel – we can’t really escape our individual and subjective limitations.

Moreover, even our perception of reality is limited and distorted since we can’t perceive or experience anything that is beyond our very restricted, selfish, and personal scope of “pleasure and pain.”

By changing the original and instinctive selfish and exploitative intentions of the all-wanting, all-consuming, and inquisitive ego to totally selfless and altruistic intentions – where we want to receive and obtain everything only to pass it on to others to fulfill them and to facilitate a seamless and harmonious flow within the whole system – we can develop and acquire a completely different life experience and perception of reality.

By attaching to ourselves more and more desires and lacks from others through the newly acquired selfless and altruistic intentions, by adopting the viewpoints of others so we could most perfectly fulfill their desires without any inherently egoistic and subjective bias, we start freely “roaming” through these new desires without causing harm to them or exploiting them, we start sensing all the pain and joy, all the needs and their fulfillments through them, while expanding the scope of our perception through the acquired new viewpoints.

We start connecting the desires and viewpoints of others as if they innately belonged to us. As a result, we start fulfilling them as our own original desires and needs.

This way, we start to expand into and exist in a dimension of reality that was not accessible to us before.

Moreover, by sensing existence more and more through pure and altruistic love and bestowal towards others, existing and behaving without any egoistic, selfish, and individualistic intentions, we acquire a growing similarity and equivalence with nature’s purely “loving and bestowing” life-creating system.

Thus, by consciously and actively connecting the desires and viewpoints of other human beings to ourselves with the new intentions, we also facilitate our seamless integration into nature’s system. This way, we acquire a unique, integrated, but independent observer status within nature’s system, observing and understanding all the intimate cause-and-effect processes that create and nurture life.

Through this process, we acquire a huge and ever-growing desire and need that craves fulfillment.

At the same time, by becoming a totally transparent, purely loving, and bestowing intermediary or pipeline within the system, all the necessary and possible energy, resources, and life flow stream through us towards others.

We develop an unprecedented sense of constant and infinitely growing sense hunger and need for fulfillment and a perfect, infinite fulfillment – without the two short-circuiting or quenching one another, since neither the infinite need or its fulfillment unfolds in our original, egotistic and individualistic vessels. Everything is unfolding in the vessels we attach to ourselves.

Nevertheless, our selfless and objective observer can sense everything in those new vessels which became “ours” through the totally selfless and unconditionally loving and bestowing intentions.

Neither the need and hunger nor the fulfillment belongs to “me.” I am just acting as the pipeline and sensor.

And since others I connect to also behave the same way – initially learning and practicing it in smaller and manageable groups that later expand and interconnect further – we all sense the same infinite and never-quenching desire and need and their perfect fulfillment at the same time.

However, there is more. Through this whole process, through integrating with others and through them integrating into nature’s all-encompassing system, through becoming selfless and unconditional facilitators and partners with the system, we also start to sense the origin and source of the whole system, the very source the created and governs the whole life-creating and life-nurturing evolutionary system.

This is a unique turning point. From the level where deficiencies and fulfillment determine everything we feel and do, our whole life focus changes and aims only at this newly found relationship with reality’s single creating and governing force.

We feel like a child that found a long-lost and never-before-seen parent.

By acquiring the life-creating and life-nurturing qualities of nature’s system through our totally selfless and unconditionally serving “pipeline” role, we, as if, tune ourselves to the qualities of this singular force that creates and nurtures life through pure love and bestowal.

And the more we integrate through each other into the system, the more we tune ourselves to the “right, loving and bestowing frequencies,” the more we start to recognize and understand the singular force and its plan and its actions.

Here, the work becomes more difficult. Previously, in order to achieve the above-mentioned mutual integration, we had to rise above and subdue the usual egotistic and individualistic desires and their fulfillment, so we can obtain and use the desires of others to work for their fulfillment.

Now, the new pleasures we feel from becoming similar to reality’s single governing force and attaching ourselves to this force through the achieved similarity, these new pleasures are incomparable to the original selfish pleasures we ever felt.

Thus, we have to learn how to taste, comprehend and harness these new, infinitely great and all-permeating pleasures in a way that our intentions remain totally selfless and unconditionally giving.

We have to gradually learn and practice how to accept and use these extraordinary pleasures only to recognize and justify the single, purely loving and bestowing force of reality, revealing and sensing all possible desires, needs and their perfect fulfillment only for this purpose of appreciating and justifying the singular life-creating force as absolute good and benevolent.

This way, we can remain similar to this singular force and we can keep our perfect partnership with it endlessly.



Zsolt Hermann
Zsolt Hermann

Written by Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.

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