Individual freedom vs social responsibility
Question from the Internet:
“What is the relationship between individual freedom and social responsibility?”
There is an inverse relationship between them. The more individually free we consider ourselves the less responsible we become towards society.
We received many examples from the pandemic, how people considered using a mask as an intrusion into their individual freedom and now we see the same regarding vaccination.
In truth, the “individual freedom” we all dream about, we are misled about is an illusion. In Nature’s fully integrated and interdependent system — and in the global, integral world we evolved into — we are all but individual cells of the same “super-organism”.
Our individual freedom, behaving as we like, mostly at the expense of others, is the “freedom of cancer”, a path leading to destruction and in the end self-destruction. And this is exactly where our society — built on the self-serving, self-justifying, subjective, and individualistic ego - is heading.
We need to learn — together — what true, absolute mutual responsibility means in our interdependent reality where our problem-solving ability and collective survival depends on our willing, purposeful integration.