Increasing the number of pixels for a greater understanding
Question from the Internet:
“How can the understanding of issues be advanced even when definitive knowledge can’t be had?”
We can’t achieve any definitive knowledge as we are all born with an inherently egocentric, subjective consciousness, perception. This is why even the greatest leaders, experts, scientists see reality only in an inevitably limited, distorted manner.
And it does not matter how much knowledge, experience one has, everything we draw, install into ourselves simply expands, inflates the same, limited, distorted, egocentric, and subjective viewpoint.
It is like a pixelated picture when we try enlarging the image by enlarging the single pixel we have. We do not achieve much improvement by that.
We attain greater depth, knowledge, clarity only by increasing the number of pixels.
Thus in order to get closer to understanding our problems — especially in today’s globally integrated world — we need to increase our pixels. In other words, we would need to attain consciousness, perception of reality where we create a unique, unprecedented “Human network computing”.
If a certain number of people — who later can connect other people to themselves in increasing circles — learn how to sense, perceive, taste, experience reality through the desires, thoughts, and viewpoints of others, we can achieve such a completely new, multi-dimensional image and understanding of the world.
In fact, we have no other way of solving global issues and safeguard our collective survival in Nature’s integral and interdependent system but to build and strengthen this “collective Human intelligence”, “Human network computing”. This would become qualitatively much greater than any automatization, AI we try to build now especially as whatever we build today is still developed, designed by the same “inflated”, single-pixel, egocentric, subjective mind we have used to build everything in our Human systems.