In what way can we build a better world?
Question from the Internet:
“I’m confident that there is a pleasant world awaiting us, but it is here, on this plane. The grand question that must be widely debated is whether it should arise more naturally or should it be totally optimized with human interests as its form factor.”
Your statement and question are very complex and intriguing.
For example, what do you mean by “on this plane”? Do you mean that we do not need to die to reach a better “existence” as religions promise? In that, I fully agree with you. We can truly reach a pleasant and perfect existence without the need to die from our present physical existence.
Still, in order to achieve, to build a truly better world and existence for all of us, we need to enter a totally different “plane” or “dimension” of existence.
At this stage, since birth and since the start of human evolution, we have existed in the “plane or dimension” of selfish, subjective, and individualistic reception of pleasures for ourselves. By default, we are all born with internal software and consciousness that locks us into a 100% egocentric and subjective perception of reality and 100% egocentric and subjective calculations for anything we ever do.
We simply cannot see or experience anything that is beyond the sphere of self-interest; we focus on and assess and filter out only things that can take us closer to ever-growing and ever-tastier pleasures for ourselves and distance us from actual or feared pain and suffering. Beyond this, we cannot feel or notice anything else in life.
We are all locked into ourselves, and we consider anybody else, all the “others” in our lives, as potential and threatening competitors and enemies we need to fight against. Thus human life and human society have always been built and organized according to ruthless and exclusive competition and rivalry, where we all strive to survive and succeed at the expense of others and nature.
We are neither evil nor sinful for this; this is simply how nature’s evolution “created and programmed” us. It is true that seemingly all other elements in nature also compete, fight and consume one another.
But this mutual destruction and ruthless consumption of others in nature are actually beautifully and perfectly choreographed and orchestrated by nature’s fundamental forces. The predators catch and consume the weakest link in the species of the prey, helping with natural selection, actually strengthening the species of prey, and keeping the fragile homeostasis of the system, making sure that populations remain within the optimal limits. Predators consume only what they need, leaving the rest for secondary predators and scavengers, actually selflessly serving the “circle of life” in nature.
Compared to that, human beings have no instinctive sense of nature’s balance and homeostasis; we do not have an innate sense of belonging and trust in the system. We compete and consume recklessly in an arbitrary manner based on our limited and distorted, 100% egocentric, selfish, and exploitative calculations.
In effect, we exist and behave like cancer in nature’s fragile and mutually integrated system. This is the default plane human beings exist in by birth. And in this plane — through our total incompatibility with nature’s laws and evolution’s deterministic plan — we are now approaching a seemingly inevitable and immediate self-destruction — within this or in the next generation.
So we will have to shift to a completely different plane of human existence, one that is in accordance with nature’s laws and finely balanced mutual integration. We all have to learn and practice how to become selfless and healthy cells in humanity’s single living organism that are also integrated into and compatible with nature. Otherwise, we will simply not survive.
On the other hand, if we consciously and purposefully change and develop ourselves, we will not only safeguard our physical survival but also catapult ourselves into a completely different and qualitatively much higher, collective human existence.
Through our mutual integration, we will also build an unprecedented, collectible Human consciousness and a unique, composite perception of reality, where we will all sense and experience life and nature’s system through each other — instead of being locked inside ourselves.
And that will give us a life experience and perception of reality that is liberated from all our inherently egocentric and subjective limitations like time, space, physical life, or death since we will not associate our “personal existence” with the physical body we are seemingly born into. Thus the death of the physical body will not affect our perception of existence since it is not connected to it!
And this is something we can all achieve gradually and very realistically, here and now, while we still feel ourselves existing in the physical body in this world.
Finally, regarding your question, we will get there either slowly or naturally, but then nature will push us towards our above-detailed unique evolutionary purpose through increasing blows and intolerable suffering molding us. On the other hand, we can also reach this above Human state through willing, conscious, and methodical participation and education, without waiting for the blows and suffering to push us.
Our actual and truly free choice in life relates only to this, in which way we progress towards our predetermined evolution goal.