In what kind of society should we live?
Question from the Internet:
“In which society do you want to live?”
It is not important what form of society we want to live in, what is important is what form of society Nature’s deterministic, lawful system expects us to live in.
We are not outside of, above, independent of Nature. We are born as a result of Nature’s evolution, we are still integral parts of the Natural system and evolve together with it. Thus Nature’s strict, unchanging, unforgiving laws — that sustain the general balance and homeostasis life depends on — are obligatory for us as well.
I think most people would agree, that we have evolved into a globally integrated, interdependent world. But contrary to popular belief, “globalization” is not something we created, organized. It is Nature and its laws of integration that forced humanity into total, mutual integration, interdependence regardless of what we think or want.
Thus the society we have to build — if we want to understand and solve our mounting global problems, if we want to survive as one of Nature’s species bound by Nature’s laws — has to be built on Nature’s integral template.
In short, we all have to become like individual cells of the same, living body, all making calculations for, safeguarding the positive, mutually responsible, mutually complementing connection through which we can feel and enjoy a qualitatively much higher, collective human existence that is in harmony, in sync with the rest of Nature.