In order to see what’s happening, we need to learn how to see!
Question from the Internet:
“In general, to what extent does the populace know what is really going on in the world today?”
To the extent they are “educated” by the information they are fed through the mass media, and the propaganda-like entertainment industry, and then what they share from this among themselves on social media.
Where else would they get the information from?!
Thus we can see how much we are brainwashed, mislead, how much we are manipulated every second in our lives.
We live in a true, real-life Matrix, and only those, who unplug from this Matrix through unique, closed, self-supportive environments have any chance to look behind the superficial layer/screen, observing the cause and effect processes.
Fortunately due to the worsening, all-encompassing socio-economic crisis the Matrix is becoming more and more glitchy, less stable, thus such unplugging is getting easier.
Thus in special, closed, mutually complementing, methodical environments we can learn how to see the world objectively, above and against the egocentric, subjective bias we are born with, through the murky cloud of the incessant, misleading fake news brainwashing.