In between states, seeing everything as good, purposeful
Question from the Internet:
“What is the difference between half-empty and a half-full glass for the person watching both of them at a time?”
This is an interesting question, as this is the kind of state we would need to achieve in life.
Normallly we are helplessly drifting between highs and lows, evaluating everything that happens though an inherently egocentric, subjective “sweet/bitter calculation”.
Then according to our personal qualities and the states we go through we find ourselves either in the glass half full, it glass half empty perception.
In order to stay between and acquire a selfless, objective viewpoint, seeing everything purposefully, understanding that everything is needed to reach a final, predetermined goal, we would need to identify and hold onto such an overall, all-encompassing goal in our life.
Moreover we would also need to rise above the originally egocentric, subjective perception of reality so we are not influenced constantly by what’s happening to ourselves, but we can evaluate what’s happening around us in the “real world”.
This is all possible through a unique, purposefully and highly practical educational method in a special environment. Then gradually we become able to hold onto the unprecedented duality, seeing both seemingly negative and seemingly positive states as two sides of the same coin, part of the same plan and purpose we exist for.