Illusory personal freedom, or holding the Universe in our hands?!
Individual freedom, what freedom?!
As a result of all the conspiracy theories running around during the pandemic — and actually all the time — many are wondering if we are victims of some evil plan that wants to take over our lives, robbing us of our personal freedom, control over our fate.
We could ponder about what actual personal, individual freedom we have anyway — if we ever had any being controlled by our instincts, hormonal urges blindly 24/7 — but first, let us examine the actual plan that takes control of us right now.
Under the control of Nature’s evolution
There is indeed a global plan to take control of our lives, liberty, health, and freedom but not the way most people think, suggest.
This controlling plan is Nature’s plan of evolution.
So far we have been living with complete ignorance towards this plan, thinking we are outside of Nature’s system and can do everything we want without consequences. So we built a completely arbitrary, unnatural Human bubble that is based on reckless exploitation of everything and everyone, excessive production, and consumption, competing against one another, surviving at the expense of each other and Nature.
Frequently recurring increasing crisis situations, and now finally the Covid-19 epidemic prove to us, that whether we agree or not we are locked in a closed, fully integrated, and interdependent Human world that is also embedded and integrated into Nature.
As we are still pondering what to do after all the lessons the Coronavirus has taught, perhaps a healthy, growing minority of people already understands that we cannot continue developing, fighting against Nature’s system and its developmental plan.
Choosing right
It is in our best interest — to survive — to study the laws of Nature’s integral systems, to learn the evolutionary plan so we could find our own, unique, predetermined Human role, purpose in it.
We do not have any free choice in this matter. We will come to it this way or that way, but we have a choice about the manner we come to it.
We can continue Human development as it unfolded before, through vicious, recurring cycles until blows, worsening crisis situations, intolerable suffering will force us to adapt to Nature.
We also have the option to consciously, proactively go ahead of the blows and start studying, recognizing the system and its principles, methodically adapting ourselves to them with the help of the appropriate highly practical education.
In that case, we don’t only prevent, avoid the blows but we understand, batting the system to such an extent, that we will feel we ourselves designed and operated the whole Natural Universe — in partnership with it.