If we want to reduce human population, global war is the quickest, most effective “solution" — fortunately there are other options to solve our problems!
Question from the Internet:
“Shouldn’t mankind begin to seriously focus on reducing our population so we can stop destroying the oceans, other species and our environment?”
There are many problems with this idea.
First of all overpopulation is not the biggest problem. For example there are many studies that suggest that after a peak achieved very soon, human population will start steadily decreasing all over the world.
Moreover beyond the actual number of people living, our individual and collective footprint is much more important in relation to the damage we are causing to the environment.
We are all existing in, or aspiring to exist in Western-like societies that are built on unnatural overconsumption, ruthless competition, highly unequal distribution, using, exploiting everything for momentary, fleeting individual pleasures, gains.
Finally humanity already tried many different ways of coercively reducing population and they all failed.
The “most effective" way of quickly reducing population is a global (probably nuclear) war, and we might come to that soon, unless we start recognizing our inherently selfish, subjective, hateful and exploitative human nature as the root cause of all the problems.
Then with that recognition we could finally start treating, correcting what is actually ailing us, instead of inventing, reinventing useless, obsolete and damaging “solutions".