If we want to change the world, first we have to change ourselves
Question from the Internet:
““The world will get healthier, wealthier and less dangerous in the next three decades”. Does this mean there won’t be rivalry and wars amongst nations? No more pandemics?”
The initial statement will remain an empty promise, lip service or a utopia until we finally recognize and accept that the root cause of all the conflicts, wars, crisis situations and inequality is our own, inherently;y selfish, egocentric, subjective and exploitative nature.
Until we all accept that we have to change ourselves and relate to others and the whole world differently — instead of blaming, correcting, lecturing, censoring and destroying others to make everything suit our egocentric worldview — nothing will change, but only get worse.
There is no cure without the right diagnosis and at the moment all our solutions are fake, false and symptomatic without recognizing and addressing the root cause.
Only when we start changing and upgrading ourselves and how we relate to others, then we will be able to build peace and a better, healthier, more equal and sustainable society above and against our instinctive nature that is neither suppressed nor erased.
This requires a unique, purposeful and practical educational method that is based on nature’s finely balanced and mutually integrated blueprint — which method is the key to our continuing, collective human survival.