If we want to celebrate the Torah, we have to keep its instructions!
An article in The Jerusalem Post:
My comment:
I agree that we have to celebrate the Torah and our Jewish heritage.
And the best way of celebrating it is by relearning, practicing and keeping the most important commandment of the Torah: “Love your friend as yourself.”
We merited receiving the Torah by pledging – “We shall do and we will hear” – to becoming a Nation of “One man with One heart” despite feeling the instinctive and mutual “unfounded hatred” between us.
As great sages like Rav Yehuda Ashlag, for example, explain, all other commendments of the Torah are there only to help us reach the peak of our “life system,” reaching the love of the Creator through love of others.
If we want to cherish and celebrate our heritage and what the Torah truly means to us, we need to follow its instructions and achieve what the whole method was given for.
Otherwise, we are just pretending “to be Jewish.”
Moreover, if we want to succeed over our growing number of enemies, if we want to recruit others to support and even follow us, we will need to become “Light unto others” through the same method.
We need to show, publicize and teach others – through our own positive example – how to unite, cooperate and survive together above and against the constant control and incitement of the inherently and 100% selfish, egoistic, hateful and exploitative human nature.
We have nowhere to hide. Our Jewish purpose in this world is promoting the teachings of the Torah to others, implementing mutual integration and mutually complementing coexistence.