I fully agree with you. As you pointed out, the only thing that is missing is proper education.
Human beings are the only creatures in Nature that have the conscious ability to understand how the Natural system works and find their place and integrate into the system consciously by their own efforts.
This is why Nature purposefully gave us the ego, to seemingly separate us from the system, to seemingly drive us to destroy ourselves and the system until we recognize that the unharnessed ego is destructive and as a result to learn how to use and harness the ego’s awesome driving power for positive, constructive and mutually beneficial goals and purpose.
When you examine “freedom” in Nature, what do you see? Can plants or animals do whatever they want? Can the cells and the organs of our own biological body do whatever they want?
They can all work hard for their own survival, to get everything they need and to live their lives as perfectly and happily as they can — as long as they all remain within the general balance and homeostasis of the whole system — or of the body — as without this life and optimal development would not be possible.
It is the same for us — and this is what we need to learn — we can do everything we want and we can, as long as we do not violate the general, Natural laws of balance and mutual integration.
The true freedom we can achieve is the liberation from any remaining self-concern, from any remaining egocentric and subjective limitations we are born with. In a perfectly balanced and harmoniously, mutually complementing — Nature-like — Human society nobody needs to take care of, being concerned for themselves. We can freely roam reality through the desires and viewpoints of others we want to support and fulfil (since we do not need to worry about our own fulfilment), moreover, we gain a sense of collective existence that is beyond any of our original, subjective and egocentric limitations fo time, space and motion.
This is the true natural freedom we can achieve here and now through the right education!