Humans are all different and unique — and this is all good!

Zsolt Hermann
1 min readJun 27, 2021

Question from the Internet:

“Human beings self-identify by a multiplicity of attributes. Where do we draw the line between those things that we can change and those things that we cannot? Does this line differ on the Left and on the Right?”

We cannot and should not change any of our attributes we identify ourselves with. We need everything we have in us, nothing is “created” accidentally, nothing is obsolete.

There are ideologies today that try to suppress, delete certain qualities, ideologies, movements that believe and try to force on people that peace, global cooperation is possible only by creating homogenous “zombies” that have lost their individual, national attributes, that have no cultural, racial, or even gender identifications.

The solution for our problems is completely different.

While preserving, even cherishing everything that is different, diverse, and seemingly separate us from each other, we will need to learn how to unite, build positive, mutually responsible, and mutually complementing interconnections and cooperation above everything that separates us.

Then whatever we think is negative as it makes us different from each other becomes positive and constructive, each providing their unique, irreplaceable puzzle pieces into the whole.

This is how we build the unique, multi-colored, multi-faceted, living human mosaic, living human “super-organism” that will find its rightful, integrated place in nature’s perfectly balanced, integral system.



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.