Humanity’s unique purpose in Nature
Question from the Internet:
“Is the human being an error of natural evolution (or from God)? Would planet Earth be better off without human beings? Why do we allow our politicians to destroy Mother Earth? Can there be planets with life and without human beings?”
This certainly looks like it right now, humanity stubbornly, in a very unintelligent way destroying the planet and with it themselves.
It seems that humanity is truly a costly mistake, error from the part of natural evolution. Especially that we all participate in this self-destruction, not only our politicians and businessmen, after all we all subscribe to and use the “Matrix" that is based on excessive overconsumption, ruthless competition and success at each other’s expense.
On the other hand — as unique, empirical, natural scientists who have been studying human nature and Nature’s perfect system for millennia tell us — Nature, evolution doesn’t make mistakes.
Human beings had to be born with such a seemingly cancer-like, selfish ego, we had to reach this imminent breaking point, a threshold of no return in our generation.
Humanity has a very unique, unparalleled role to play in Nature’s system according to evolution’s plan. We have to become the system’s only conscious, insider still independent observers.
This unique observer status requires an unprecedented duality in Nature’s system — where all others parts, elements are instinctively integrated into the system.
We have to be opposite, “outside" of the system on one hand, thus we were born selfish, egotistic, exploitative and individualistic. Then on top of this incompatibility, opposition we have to actively acquire a conscious compatibility, integration into Nature so through the similarity we could research and understand and partner the system.
This new, conscious phase of human evolution, when we methodically, purposefully acquire the necessary integration into, similarity with Nature starts in our generation, promoted by the threat of near extinction, facilitated by the right, purposeful and practical educational method.