Humanity’s evolutionary purpose

Zsolt Hermann
2 min readAug 10, 2024


Question from the Internet:

What gives humanity purpose, meaning, or motivation if there is no inherent purpose?

My answer:

Our world operates on the assumption that there is no inherent or “higher” purpose for our lives.

As a result, each and every individual human being is driven by their own frequently changing goals, aspirations, and purposes.

These individual goals, aspirations, and purposes are offshoots of our basic desires of food, sex, and family, as well as our social desires for wealth, power, fame, control, and knowledge.

As a result, we are all exclusively competing against one another, as our inherently self-serving, self-justifying, and exploitative desires try to obtain fulfillment at the expense of everything and everybody else.

In effect, we all exist and act like individual cancer cells that want to conquer and consume everything we can put our hands on.

Thus a humanity existing and behaving without a single, overall or “higher” purpose blindly marches towards self-destruction.

Only a single purpose we can all accept and aspire for could elevate us above this self-destructive human development. Only a single overall purpose could align billions of selfish, egocentric, and exploitative human beings in a way that our diversity and vast differences mutually support and complement one another instead of destroying everything.

Fortunately, we have such a predetermined, inherent, and higher purpose defined by nature’s evolutionary plan and system.

When the stubborn questions about the “purpose or meaning of life” awaken in more and more people, when we start searching for answers to learn and understand what it means that “we are Human beings” that are above other animals, it is a sign that nature’s evolution has invited us to learn about our true Human purpose in life and learn about the changes and development we have to go through in order to fulfill this purpose.

We do not have a free choice for this purpose. It is predetermined by nature’s evolution. Our free choice is about the path that leads to this purpose.

If we accept evolution’s invitation and start to use the existing and purposeful unique scientific method that can help us, we can progress towards this single Human purpose in life in a swift and pleasant manner. This way, we can avoid nature’s other option to push us towards this purpose through ever-increasing conflict situations, crises, and suffering.



Zsolt Hermann
Zsolt Hermann

Written by Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.

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