Humanity is at a very volatile, dangerous turning point!
Question from the Internet:
“Is Noam Chomsky right in that human history is approaching its most dangerous point?”
Yes, he is right. Humanity is approaching, actually already finding itself at unprecedented crossroads, in a transition that will define our survival.
Until now we have been developing blindly, instinctively, and recklessly following our inherently selfish, egocentric, subjective and exploitative nature. We can compare it to the reckless, introverted, quantitative growth of childhood.
But now, as we become totally interlocked, mutually integrated and interdependent — governed, necessitated by Nature’s laws that govern the general homeostasis life depends on — we need to start a very different development. If we remain as we are, we will inevitably self-destruct like cancer.
We need to willingly, consciously — above and against our inherent nature, inner program — start developing through “qualitative growth”, focusing on the mutually responsible and mutually complementing integration between us so humanity can take on a shape, behaviour that is similar to, adapted to Nature.
We do not have any free choice about this, since we are not in control. We have to follow Nature’s dictum and become a positive, partnering part of the system, otherwise, we have no right to exist in it as a foreign body or destructive cancer.
Our Human advantage compared to any other part of Nature is that we have to achieve this Natural, mutual integration consciously, willingly in contrast to our original program. It is this conscious, proactive integration with each other and Nature that will make us the system’s only conscious, objective observers and partners — which is our Human purpose in existence.