Question from the Internet:
“What is the real meaning of humanity for all?”
Humanity” means to behave like Human beings towards each other. This is not something we are born with, this is something we have to learn.
By birth, we are all animals, and we are actually worse than animals when it comes to our interconnections and our behaviour towards nature.
Although animals also, seemingly ruthlessly compete and even consume each other, they do it within the framework of nature’s finely balanced and mutually integrated system. When predators eat their prey, they actually help with natural selection while also providing food for other species in the food chain. Animals never consume more than what they need, they usually never leave their natural habitat and definietly not destroy their habitat intentionally. Nature’s balance is only broken by natural disasters – after which there is recoveruy – or as a result of human intervention – after which there is no recovery.
The human animals – we are born as – consume much more than they need, we do not even know what exactly we need and what our available resources are. Human animals ruthlessly compete and fight, they constantly search for ways to control, manipulate, exploit and destroy one another, mostly for fun and self-justification.
Thus from these ruthless and destructive “human animals”, that are on the way towards inevitable self-destruction, we will have to be “truly Human”, conscious beings that can and want to exist above and against their animalistic and destructive instincts, following nature’s laws and mutual integration for the sake of the whole natural system.
This is a huge and fundamental change. But we were given by evolution a special Human intellect that can initiate and “oversee” these changes, our conscious development towards becoming Humans.
And when we do so, we will become nature’s only conscious, integrated and at the same time independent observers and equal partners.