A truly Human life
Question from the Internet:
“What are the components of life, specifically human life? I am interested from a formal/scientific perspective.”
Life is the perceived circulation, communication within an intricately, purposefully established network between diverse, seemingly incompatible elements, that elements are held, “glued” together by Nature’s evolutionary, “life-giving” force that sustains, nurtures life.
In relation to Human beings — in contrast to the rest of Nature — establishing the necessary infrastructure, the above mentioned unique, intricate, mutual network that is suitable for the life-giving circulation, communication, is given into our hands, leaving us the free choice to “choose life”.
What we call “life” right now is a very basic, instinctive, “single-cell” imitation of life compared to the true, multi-cellular Human life we could achieve by willingly, selflessly, altruistically interconnecting to one another, above and against our inherently egocentric, individualistic, “cancer-like” program.
This willing, purposeful choice for life, the methodical, “supernatural” — above instinctive, egotistic rejection, hate — building of the necessary infrastructure will give us the conscious ability to sense and appreciate true life, compared to other animals, plants that “take life for granted”, and thus can’t appreciate how incredible and perfect it is.
When we get the first true taste of life through the established connections, allowing the circulation, communication of Nature’s life to flow through our connections, then in comparison we will understand why our present “life” is no life at all, but only a very basic, miserable illusion of existence.