Human experience of life today
Question from the Internet:
“What is the human experience today? What does it mean to be “alive” during this certain point in our human timeline? Are we re-experiencing the 90s with full-blown internet?”
This is an interesting and important question, going to the core of our existence.
As you suggest, our human experience relates to what we consider “being alive.”
And as a result of our inherently egocentric, subjective, and individualistic viewpoint and perception of reality, we sense existence only through ourselves. We consider life as when “we are alive” in this physical context and as long as we can fulfill our own needs and insatiable desires in this physical world.
This is a very personalized and introverted sense of existence when we experience only what is related to our 100% self-serving and self-justifying “pleasure/pain” sensations and calculations.
On the other hand, from Nature's integral point of view, each human being is just an individual cell within humanity’s body. Humanity is also an irrevocably integral part of Nature’s vast system. This means that as long as we experience life according to our inherent scope, we are like single cells in the body that are disconnected from the rest and believe that they exist on their own, independent of the rest of the body.
And this is actually incompatible with true life, which is the result of constant, positive, selfless and mutually responsible, and mutually complementing cooperation. Only such interconnections and cooperation can facilitate the constant flow and communication between comprising elements of living systems that facilitate healthy existence.
In humanity’s current state, our experience resembles end-stage cancer before the death of the body. Unless we learn, accept, and implement the right way of “living” — like healthy cells of the same body — we will simply not survive.
On the other hand, if we manage to rebuild human relationships and the fabric of global human society based on Nature’s integral template, we will acquire a qualitatively much higher living experience with a collective consciousness that will elevate our sense of being above the egocentric and subjective limitations of time and space, physical life or death — in a very realistic, practical and tangible way, here and now.