How will politics, governance change in the future?
I think apart from a few nations that are still governed in an authoritarian way, most of Humanity would agree that democracy is the best form of governance, at least compared to all other options.
The problem is that despite it looking the most suitable system to govern, democracy has been gradually, irreversibly distorted by our inherently self-serving, self-justifying, egocentric, and subjective nature.
The so-called “liberal, parliamentary democracy” we observe today is neither liberal (nobody is truly asking for our consent for ruling above us, we are not equal before the law and we are not free) nor is it democracy (the people have no authority over governance). Although we still have elections, those are influenced, controlled in a sophisticated way through media, entertainment industry, and also the choices are limited. Elections and government forming is a closed game of self-serving political parties, and “hidden” lobbies, interest groups.
Moreover, most of the remaining democracies are gradually morphing into autocracies, while political extremism, the radicalization of the society grows due to the many problems affecting, burdening, scaring people in our days (with or without the pandemic).
Thus how political institutions, leadership will change depends on whether we remain on the usual, instinctive path, blindly following our egos (causing the inevitably recurring, vicious cycles in Human history), or we shift from this path, consciously, purposefully, methodically correcting, upgrading our own natures — all of us, since we are all the same, the only difference that renders Humanity alongside a pyramid model is in the size of one’s desire, how much one is ready to sacrifice (oneself and others) for power, profit and glory.
If we manage to change ourselves in a gradual manner — at least through initially small, mutually responsible and mutually complementing environment that uses a special, purposeful and practical method for changing, upgrading Human nature, neutralizing, harnessing the ego in a positive, constructive way — then slowly we will see several changes.
We will observe the disappearance of the harmful political parties that become the greatest obstacle of true democracy. We will have true independent representation in governing bodies, representatives elected directly from their smaller environments, districts, states, and those representatives will be “public servants” in the true meaning of that notion (as a result of the proper education, the preparation they received).
Each nation and governing bodies will be organized from smaller circles, where people can discuss problems, different issues in a “round table”/workshop format, the only way a truly mutual, collective decision, a solution can be achieved. A properly organized workshop has such power, the ability that most solutions can be found there on the spot, thus most smaller, local problems can be directly solved without needing to pass them onto higher levels. This way only the truly crucial, national-level problems, issues would come to the national parliament, while all other problems would be dealt with at lower, appropriate levels.
For this reason representatives — at any level — will not need to become career politicians which is another stumbling block and a self-destructive element of our present system.
If there are enough people who want true changes and are willing to enter the appropriate preparation, educational program willingly, with their free choice, the seemingly revolutionary, “utopistic” changes can be achieved within a very short time, completely transforming the atmosphere, mood, hope, and development of our societies.
This “revolution” won’t be bloody since the present crop of politicians worldwide has lost any grip on the present situation in the world — they simply lack the preparation, education and thus comprehension on living, leading others in a globally integrated and interdependent world, their vision, scope is very narrow, only sensing the dinosaur-like egotistic, self-serving, oppressive paradigm we still live in — and with the unfolding economic, financial and social crisis that follows the virus, they will slowly disappear from the scene.