How we understand and use globalization is coming to an end

Zsolt Hermann
2 min readJun 21, 2022

Question from the Internet:

“When they say that we are getting close to the end of globalization, do they also refer to cultural globalization, because I can’t see how is that also possible, while we still have things like the internet and TV?”

Those who say that we are getting close to the end of globalization, do not understand what “globalization” actually is.

“Globalization” means existing in a globally integrated and fully interdependent world. And this is not something human beings invented or developed. We evolved into a global and integral world because Nature is evolving toward an ever-more optimal mutual integration of its diverse system. And since we are born from Nature, and we still exist in and evolve together with Nature, our human system has also become fully integrated and interdependent.

We can’t reverse this process and we can’t escape it, just like cells or organs of our biological body can’t decide to disconnect and become independent.

How we understand, accept and use “globalization” has to change. The inherently self-serving, self-justifying, subjective and exploitative use of “globalization” that is coming to the end, because as long as we blindly and instinctively follow our inherent nature we act like cancer in this fully integrated and interdependent system and we keep sliding closer and closer to seemingly inevitable self-destruction.

So we need a unique, purposeful and highly practical educational method to help us not only understand but actually, “viscerally” feel our total interdependence and how much my personal life is tantamount to the life of the whole global humanity and beyond it with Nature.



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.