How to control our inherent matter — our insatiable desire for self-fulfillment?
Question from the Internet:
“How do matter and its properties affect our daily living?”
Everything in our lives is influenced by the most important matter we are made of — a subjective, self-serving, self-justifying, and insatiable desire for fulfillment, happiness.
It is this desire — which is inherently equipped with the 100% egocentric, subjective calculation for thriving towards pleasures while moving away from pain — that controls everything we do. This is the blind, instinctive software that determines all our thoughts, inclinations, and actions.
By default, there is nothing we can do against this internal software, we automatically try succeeding, surviving at each other’s and Nature’s expense, and even when we are in danger and a different, collective calculation would save us, we are incapable of changing track. We can’t rise above who we are by birth.
Fortunately, we have a small, dormant spark, “DNA fragment” in us from Nature’s general, selfless, altruistic software we could awaken and mobilize, strengthen through the right, purposeful educational method. Then with the help of this “Natural upgrade,” we can neutralize our inherently selfish, egoistic, individualistic engine and harness, channel the infinite power of our ego towards positive, constructive, mutual goals and purpose.
We do not have to suppress, erase anything. Instead, we can learn, how to control, direct our innate power, the awesome yearning of our matter, our desire to do good instead of the constant destruction, self-destruction we are causing instinctively, left to our original devices.