How to become responsible, supporting parents to our children?!
Question from the Internet:
“Does our entire existence as adults revolve around creating a protective environment around the children where we nurture their knowledge and play a huge role in influencing their futures?”
On one hand that would fulfill our obligation towards our offsprings as all other animals create protective environment around their offsprings, preparing then for a successful, safe future.
That is what happens on the animate level of Nature.
On the other hand we see that in the present Human society we are doing the opposite. We are creating an environment that is outright harmful, destructive for our children and we don’t provide them with any meaningful future prospects, inspirations, purpose. Many consider bringing children into today’s world a crime against children!
So in today’s Human society — especially in the West — we are worse than animals as we don’t care about, we abandon and intentionally harm our own children!
But this tragic, present state is a transition, these crisis situations, the breakdown of our civilization are birth pangs towards the qualitatively higher, truly Human level. We are not supposed to settle to exist on the instinctive, animate level in Nature.
Human life is not about providing natural necessities, consuming whatever we can, fulfilling instinctive desires, simply securing the safest possible day to day survival as animals do.
Human life is about searching for, finding and fulfilling our purpose in life, which in the case of Human beings is a very unique, conscious purpose on the top of evolution’s pyramid.
We are expected to research and comprehend Nature’s complete system, with its deterministic evolutionary plan encompassing all the cause and effect processes. We are supposed to become Nature’s fully aware, “insider observers" attaining, witnessing and justifying Nature utter perfection as if we ourselves designed and governed the whole system.
Thus we need to develop and provide our children with the right education that can guide them towards our truly Human purpose in existence.