How to achieve a sustainable life?
Question from the Internet:
“Is the world moving toward sustainability fast enough for the environment?”
We are not moving towards sustainability at all, we do not even know what it is.
In order to know what sustainable life is according to Nature, we would need to become similar to Nature first, we would need to take on the form of how Nature’s finely balanced and mutually integrated system operates.
Then through the similarity, we could sense without any doubts what our actual, natural necessities and what the truly available resources are. As a result, we could organize our lives in a way that we always remain within the framework of general balance and homeostasis in Nature that is governed by the strict, unchanging laws of Nature.
By default we are incompatible with those laws as human beings are born without the automatic, instinctive sense of “belonging” and mutual responsibility that is innate in Nature for each and every — inanimate, vegetative and animate — element that comprises the system, except humans.
As a result, we operate based on excessive, exponentially growing consumption and ruthless competition where we survive and succeed at the expense of each other and Nature like cancer.
Our “sustainability goals” are arbitrary, based on the usual egocentric, subjective and misguided calculations we use by default since we can inherently see only ourselves and our own selfish needs and desires.
This is why moving towards actual, realistic sustainability requires a special, purposeful and practical educational method that can help us become similar to Nature, especially in relation to how we interconnect and mutually cooperate with each other.