How should society change as a result of the pandemic?
Question from the Internet:
“Do you think the experience of the pandemic has changed people’s views about how we should manage other social problems?”
It does not seem to me, that the pandemic has changed people’s worldview, attitude to social problems yet. I see general stubbornness, everybody blindly trying to return to the “normal life” we had before the pandemic.
The pandemic has shown us very clearly, graphically that we have evolved into a globally integrated and fully interdependent world. And besides the pandemic, there are many other, seemingly unsolvable problems, like climate change, pollution, worsening socioeconomic situation, wars that would affect, destroy whole regions and would inevitably spread worldwide.
Still, each individual, nation treats these problems as if they were isolated, only affecting them, if we could solve the spread of the virus by closing borders, closing people into their homes, without any true, effective global coordination, cooperation.
Just like always, each and every individual, nation looks at the problems subjectively, egotistically, only making calculations on their own selfish benefit, trying to succeed and survive at the expense of others — and at the expense of Nature.
We are still behaving like cancer and we know that cancer destroys everything, including itself in the end. But we blindly continue anyway.
The change will only come when we fully understand and “viscerally feel” our total interdependence, realizing that my own life, health, survival, and success are intricately intertwined, depending on the life, health, survival, and success of everybody else.
This will happen either as a result of even greater, stronger, more painful, finally intolerable suffering, or it can happen as a result of a unique, purposeful, and highly practical educational method that can help us change, refine, reorient ourselves consciously, proactively, without waiting for more suffering.