How much more suffering do we need until we wake up?!
An article from The Jerusalem Post:
My comment:
Our true enemy is not the “Iranian axis.” Iran and its allies – supported by known and unknown others – simply do what they have to do according to their blind and instinctive goals and actions.
However, they dare to attack and hope to win only because Israel “invites and encourages” them.
We are our own worst enemies because we are divided, we are infighting and undermining one another; defeating, uprooting those who we do not like is more important for us than defeating the external enemies.
Everything – including the long-suffering histages – are used as pawns and excuses for ulterior motives.
We have become so blind in our “unfounded hatred” against each other that everything is justified and nothing is “sacred.”
We can openly see that some people would rather lose this war than to admit that certain people they hate are doing something right.
We hate each other so much that we are ready to sacrifice our country with our own families within!
Our whole history proves that Israel was defeated, our people were massacred and we were expelled from everywhere when we abandoned our original method of unity and mutual guarantee.
But we are so blind with our stubborn self-justification and egocentric righteousness that again, we are ready to give away everything for nothing, just to serve our egos!
How much more suffering do we need until we wake up?!