How do our emotions define our relationships in human society?
Question from the Internet:
“Does the use of feeling and not reason affect the implementation of rules and laws on our part, even though it may be in conflict with our interest? What is the society-individual relationship?”
This is a very important question (or two questions)!
Indeed, we are primarily emotional beings, acting based on our desires and their fulfillment. Our mind or intellect — as proud as we are of it — is an auxiliary tool to sort and categorize our emotional impressions and to prepare us for new emotional impressions.
But our “basic matter” and driving motor is our emotional part, with all of our desires that crave fulfillment.
And since we are all inherently tuned to feel only our own needs and fulfillment, since we all can do only 100% self-serving, self-justifying and individualistic calculations by default, instinctively, we all harm and reject each other, since from our original, egocentric and subjective point of view, everybody else is a potential competitor and enemy.
This defines our default and instinctive relationship in society, where we exist through ruthless and exclusive competition, and we all try to survive and succeed at each other’s expense — knowingly or unknowingly.
Thus it is extremely important to recognize and humbly accept the inherent desires and intentions that drive us to do everything in life. Only when we have already recognized and accepted that by default, we all exist and behave like cancer cells towards each other, only then can we learn how to build very different emotional relationships with each other, existing and acting through mutual desires and aspirations toward mutual goals and purpose.