How do human rights and duties work in a global, integral world?

Zsolt Hermann
1 min readDec 22, 2021

Question from the Internet:

“What comes first, rights or duties, for a successful society?”

For a successful, surviving human society our “rights and duties” have to become one and the same.

Since we exist in a globally integrated and fully interdependent world — which human system is also part of Nature’s fully, mutually integrated system, our “individual/collective right” and our individual/collective duty is the same: to learn and become the most optimal, selfless, mutually responsible, mutually complementing element, cell in this single, living Natural organism Humanity is a very important, integral part of.

All other “rights/duties” are illusory, created by our egocentric, subjective, individualistic ideas, philosophies, religions. We are all bound by Nature’s strict, unchanging and unforgiving laws that sustain the general balance and homeostasis life depends on.

The sooner we abandon our harmful, self-deluding worldview, mindset, and start adjusting, adapting ourselves to Nature’s laws of integration, the sooner we will solve our problems and safeguard our continuing, collective survival.



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.