How do develop governance for a global and integral world?
Question from the Internet:
“Would one-world government quickly degenerate into effectively multiple governments like it is now?”
An artificially erected and assembled “one-world-government” would be just as dysfunctional, self-destructive unstable and a puppet in the hands of stronger world powers as the UN or even worse.
We cannot address our problems that originate from the fact that we evolved into a globally integrated and interdependent world through artificial structures, in a “top-down” manner.
In order to comprehend and handle everything that comes from our global and integral evolutionary conditions — forced on us by the laws of Nature we can’t ignore or change — we need to develop a new understanding of ourselves and the world around us and as a result, we have to develop and keep completely new interconnections and mutually complementing cooperation — above and against our inherently selfish, egocentric and individualistic nature.
As long as we follow our instinctive nature, everybody will continue to do everything only for their own sake at the expense of others, setting up temporary alliances to overcome and defeat common enemies and then turn against each other
Only when at least a critical minority of people come to understand what a global and integral world demand from us and are willing to adapt themselves to it can we also develop the necessary governing and supporting systems accordingly.