How could we comprehend and solve global problems?
Question from the Internet:
“Do rising geopolitical tensions make it hard for scientists to tackle global problems?”
No, it is not geopolitical tensions that make it impossible for scientists to tackle global problems. Geopolitical problems and the inability of scientists to tackle global problems have the same root.
We are all born with an inherently self-serving, self-justifying, 100% egocentric and subjective consciousness and perception of reality. Our inherent mindset, “operating software”, is totally incompatible with the globally integrated and interdependent conditions we evolved into.
It is our inner aspiration for control, power and dominance over others, it is the incessant need to accumulate and consume everything for ourselves while succeeding at the expense of others that create geopolitical tensions.
And as long as we approach the world through our original, 100% egocentric and subjective worldview, we cannot even comprehend, let alone solve global and integral problems.
Our actual problem-solving ability and the key to our continuing, collective survival depends on developing a completely new, selfless, altruistic and thus objective worldview, where instead of constantly making calculations and actions only for our own sake, we start making calculations, and we start acting for the benefit and wellbeing of the whole human collective within Nature’s integrated system.