How could we build true, lasting peace?
Question from the Internet:
“Why can’t there be peace in the absence of war?”
Life is the combination, interaction of opposite forces, like plus and minus, positive and negative. Our consciousness is based on contrast, comparative research.
One thing cannot exist without its opposite.
we would not know warmth without sensing cold, we could not see light without seeing it against darkness, we do not know true love unless we also felt “baseless hate” against the same person.
There is no peace without the presence of actual or immediate war. Our own biological body is built on constant destruction and rebuilding, our bodies, systems providing life are exchanged countless times during our lives.
We are all born with an inherently “warmongering”, ruthlessly competitive nature, knowingly or unknowingly we all thrive to compete, fight with others, to prove we are higher, better, wealthier, more powerful, more respected than others and when we succeed, almost all the time we inevitably succeed at the expense of others and this gives us the greatest satisfaction.
Thus if we want true peace, first, we need to know our inherent nature and build peace consciously, purposefully, and methodically above and against our true nature. Simply stopping wars, making ceasefires does not bring peace as we are not aware that inside we are already preparing for the next war — as it happened each time in history, regardless of the pause between wars.
Peace will come when we all know that war originates in us, from our instinctive nature and against it, above it we will decide to build sustainable, true peace based on clearly identifies common, mutual goals, benefit, valuing the cooperation, co-existence higher than the inner drive for mutual destruction.