How can we use our “negative qualities” for good?
Question from the Internet:
“When is aggression a good thing?”
Aggression, competition, jealousy, desire for respect, desire for more are all qualities, characteristics we are born with.
We are emotional creatures acting based on sensations, emotional impressions. We also define, assess ourselves through comparing ourselves to others and our aim is always to place ourselves above others and to succeed at their expense.
This is how we are born, this is the “original software” Nature installed us with.
There is nothing we can suppress, erase from our original “toolset” and Nature does not make mistakes, there is nothing accidental, no surplus in Nature’s perfectly balanced system.
All of these inherent qualities, characteristics in us are harmful, mutually destructive as long as we use them with our inherently self-serving, self-justifying, exploitative intentions, when we consider ourselves unique, standalone, individual creatures that have to succeed and survive against others and against Nature.
But we can gradually, purposefully and methodically learn how to use all our qualities, characteristics in a mutually complementing, mutually beneficial way — according to Nature’s finely balanced integral template.
The fact that we have to adjust ourselves and use everything we have in a “Nature-like” manner, only for the sake, the benefit of the whole system, will make us “truly Human” — creatures that consciously, willingly became similar to Nature above and against their original instincts.