How can we reveal THE Truth?!
Question from the Internet:
“If each culture has its own seminal wisdom, does this mean that wisdom and therefore, truth, are relative to culture?”
In the beautiful movie, “Cloud Atlas”, there is a famous quote saying, “Truth is singular, any version of truth is mistruth.”
Therefore Wisdom or Truth is singular. There is a standard “ideal” or a standard system of laws. On the other hand, since we are all very unique and diverse, and the most ancient cultures in humanity were also quite different, we get different “versions of that truth, especially in our modern times.
But when we go back to the original writings, to the original scriptures, we can see how eerily similar the basic principles of each ancient wisdoms were. Then those ancient and original ideals and principles became gradually distorted from generation to generation, as our selfish egos and our 100% egocentric and subjective consciousness and perceptiuon of reality developed.
When most of the ancient wisdoms were born, around 5 – 6 thousand years ago, people had much lower egos than we have today, and they were much closer to nature’s system. Many of them managed to intimniately feel and describe nature’s inner working and the system of laws that govern our natural system.
All of the ancient wisdoms are based on such revelations and inner feelings of those original sages, who were actually empirical natural scientists, researching and recognizing nature’s laws, describing laws and formulas our “modern” science still cannot comprehend or even reveal.
We are not stupider or less knowledgable thant hose early sages or scientists. Our consciousness and perception of reality is clouded by the ever-growing and ever-intensifying human ego that has reached its maximum potential in our generation. Today, we are all locked inside our totally egocentric, subjective, individualistic and narcissistic bubbles, we cannot even cooperate or share knowledge or revelations with each other, we all see a very limited and totally distorted world around us that is projected and filtered for us by our all-powerful egos.
In order to “get back to the absolute and original “truth” and Wisdom our predecessors recognized and described, we need to learn how to rise above and exist against our human ego.
This will not only enable us to start seeing, feeling and attaining reality around us “as it is,” without any egotistuic or subjective bias, but as we achieve this in contrast of our egos, we will also have the necessary comparative research and contrast against which we can fully verify and justify the “truth” and Wisdom we reveal. And this comparative research and contrast was not available for the early sages, thus through our own path and purposeful development to reach the truth and become “truly wise” we will surpass those early sages and complete their work, finally verifying, justifying and implementing everything they first revealed millennia ago.
Our unique and independent viewpoints will remain, so even the absolute truth we will all see from our own perspective, but we will all know and agree on what we feel and experience, similarly to the symbolic example of the Nation of Israel standing around Mount Sinai, experiencing the “godly revelation” as one man with one heart.
But what we can achieve has nothing to do with religion or mysticism, we can reach such a powerful and visceral collective perception and recognition realistically through the right, practical and purposeful method, that some of those early sages started to develop and later completed, especially for our unique generation that is here to complete the work of becoming “truly Human”, fully know right from wrong, attaining reality from one end to the other – between our original, egocentric and subjective distortion to the absolute and perfect, collective truth.