How can we reach a balance with Nature and unlock the system’s infinite resources?

Zsolt Hermann
2 min readMay 27, 2022

Question from the Internet:

“If the Earth is truly approaching its finite limits (and it is), can humans learn to live within our means?”

Yes, we can learn how to adjust our lifestyle to the optimal parameters of natural, modern necessities and truly available resources.

Actually, the actual resources in Nature we can access are “infinite”, but we can access Nature’s infinite resources only when we become similar to and seamlessly integrated into Nature and we use those resources only for our actual and true necessities and only for the sake and benefit of the whole system.

We can reach this ideal state — determined by Nature’s strict and unforgiving laws that govern the general balance and homeostasis life depends on — in two different ways.

One is by continuing our blind, unconscious development driven by our inherently selfish, subjective and egocentric nature that wants to consume everything like cancer. This way we will continue stumbling through ever-worsening crises, wars and natural catastrophes until the intolerable pain and suffering will force us to change.

The other way is a conscious development, purposefully and methodically researching Nature’s system and our own inherent nature in order to learn how to adapt ourselves to Nature’s mutual integration until we become seamlessly integrated, partnering parts of the system.

It is in that state that we will fully understand and actually feel what our actual necessities are and what the actual available resources are and in what way we can use them most optimally for the well-being and optimal development of the whole system.



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.