How can we live life to its fullest?

Zsolt Hermann
1 min readDec 16, 2021

Question from the Internet:

“When did you realize that you were just merely existing and not living your life to its fullest?”

It was about 15 years ago when prompted by a family tragedy I started to question the meaning, purpose of life, questioning what being Human actually means.

As I started a frantic search through different methods, faith systems, sciences, finally I have found the unique, empirical, natural scientific method which I have been studying, publicizing since.

As a result, now I know that until that point when those questions arose, I was simply “languishing” through a blind, instinctive, hardly human existence, driven by a very simplistic, egocentric, subjective, “pleasure/pain” inner software.

I have learned since, that a truly Human existence means existing selflessly, unconditionally for the sake of others, when we start sensing, perceiving, understanding reality through the desires, needs, viewpoints of others, opening up a limitless, “quantum dimension” of existence above the original, very limited and distorted, egocentric, subjective one.

But living life truly to the fullest comes only, when each and every person achieves the same limitless, timeless, selfless existence, since we are all part of the same, single Human superorganism, and until we all come to the full awareness of this collective existence above the egoistic individual, none of can reach full potential.



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.