How can we know what the ideal population of humanity is?
Question from the Internet:
“What are some ways to control the increase in population?”
“Curbing”, coercing, misleading, scaring people to change never ever lead and never will lead to sustainable, positive results.
If we want to get people to change their lifestyle, behavior, we need to get them on board. Only when people change their habits, what they used to do naturally, instinctively as they understand that the change is in their best interest, that is when the changes will “stick” and become sustainable.
And this is the problem. As the pandemic showed, by now nobody trusts anybody. The so-called “leaders” and “experts” have completely lost the trust, support of the public as they have been lying for centuries, they have been manipulating people according to their own selfish, ulterior motives regardless of the country, political or economic system, regardless of what justifications they used.
In truth, they are not to blame, as everybody else, the so-called “leaders” and “experts” are also using, being governed by their inherently selfish, egocentric, exploitative nature. Simply they are more selfish, egoistic than others thus they end up in those higher positions.
Without all of us changing ourselves, without all of us learning from Nature’s system how to live through “Nature-like” mutual integration, through positive, mutually responsible, and mutually complementing cooperation — above and against our inherent nature, instincts — we will not be able to solve any of our problems and we will not survive in Nature’s fully integrated, interdependent system.
On the other hand, if we managed to build Nature-like interconnections, if human society will resemble Nature’s dynamic, mutual integration, we will also become Nature’s insider observers and will understand all of the laws, cause, and effect processes the govern our lives.
Then we will finally understand what our true natural necessities and what available resources are and will be able to adjust our lifestyle, behavior accordingly, naturally as we will feel and understand why we do what we do — instead of following empty, arbitrary, baseless ideologies, proclamations, or religious dogma.
Then we will also feel and understand what the optimal population of a family, a country, humanity should be and will adjust naturally, without any pressure from others.