How can we create social harmony?
Question from the Internet:
“What is an example of social harmony in your community?”
I am a member of a unique community that tries to build “social harmony” based on Nature’s finely balanced and mutually integrated template.
After all, we do not need to invent anything artificial — especially since all our arbitrary human ideologies and philosophies have already failed — in order to build a harmonious society.
We have all the blueprints and examples around us in Nature’s system, most notably in our own biological bodies.
We are already talking about a globally integrated and interdependent world for a long time, but we still do not grasp how deep this mutual integration and interdependence go. While speaking about integration and a “global village” in practice, we still pursue “individual independence”, and “individual freedom”.
Each person still wants to do and achieve what one calculates and dreams up with one’s inherently egocentric and subjective minds and calculations. Knowingly or unknowingly, we constantly succeed at each other’s and Nature’s expense.
At the same time, this “global village” and global integration renders all of us in effect as single cells in the same, closed and living organism.
So building “social harmony” in human society is possible only when we all learn and implement how healthy single cells in the biological body exist and behave in order to facilitate the general balance and homeostasis that life depends on.
The fact that we have to achieve those consciously and willingly — above and against our inherently selfish, egocentric and exploitative nature — gives us our Human advantage in Nature. When we achieve integration with Nature through purposefully and methodically integrating with each other, we gain a unique, “insider” observer viewpoint inside Nature while we also become equal partners with the system.