How can we change our worldview?
Question from the Internet:
“The concept of worldview can be likened to a lens through which we see the world; for these lens filter light, they color what we see.”
Yes, this is a very correct description.
We never see reality “as it is”; we perceive the world through our own inherently egocentric and subjective filters.
Our inherent worldview serves our 100% self-serving, self-justifying, individualistic, and exploitative calculations that are concerned only about obtaining ever more pleasures for the self while distancing the self from any actual or feared pain and suffering.
So our worldview automatically filters out everything that has nothing to do with this 100% egocentric and subjective “pleasure/pain” equation. Moreover, even with the things we see and evaluate, we do not see and evaluate them objectively. Instead, we project our own qualities, expectations, and judgment on them again to serve our best interests.
In the end, as unique, empirical natural scientists — who have been studying human nature for millennia — explain, we project a certain reality around ourselves that our own ego creates and directs.
And when we see something “negative” or unpleasant in its personalized world, we try to change, control, and manipulate the “people,” “events,” and “states” we observe on the outside, not understanding that we have no clue what exist on the outside since everything is our own projection, whatever we make out of a world that might exist outside.
This has vast implications. As we can see very well, every time we try to change others and the world around us, we make everything only worse, and we keep destroying.
The only thing that needs changing is ourselves and the way we relate to the world. We have to escape from our own “Plato’s Caves” we were born into and operate within. We need to acquire a completely selfless and thus objective worldview so we can finally experience and research reality “as it is” without any egocentric and subjective bias.
And there is a unique, purposeful, and highly practical method that allows and guides us on how to acquire such a purified, selfless, transparent, and objective worldview by sensing and experiencing life through the desires and viewpoints of others. We can gradually — against and above the resistance and opposition of our inherent ego — “enter” other people with the sole intention of feeling and fulfilling their desires and needs according to their viewpoints to the extent of completely “dissolving and disappearing” in those others.
This is possible in a special, closed, purposeful human environment, where each person commits to achieving the above viewpoint through mutual responsibility and mutually complementing cooperation.
And when the people of this environment finally manage to dissolve into each other and lose their original, egocentric and selfish viewpoints, they enter a completely new, collective, and composite perception of reality, observing and attaining reality through multiple, independent viewpoints, “putting together” a collective worldview they can all access, that is true, perfect and whole, which is also unbounded by the original, egocentric and subjective limitations of time and space.