How can we change and heal a world full of cruelty and neglect?
Question from the Internet:
“How, in this impossible world full of cruelty and neglect, can we awaken to mercy?”
This is possible only when we recognize and accept that the source of the cruelty and neglect is within all of us. As long as we identify cruelty and neglect only in others, we will never get closer to true solutions.
We are all born with a 100% self-serving, self-justifying, subjective and exploitative ego. We can all make calculations only for self-benefit, most of the time — knowingly, unknowingly succeeding at the expense of others.
It is clear that many people are honestly unaware of this and believe that they themselves are “good people”, capable of compassion, even love for others. So it takes serious, terrible suffering and crisis situations to finally recognize what forces, desires and intentions work in us, drive us.
Fortunately, we have a unique, purposeful and practical educational method that can help us recognize ourselves in safe, controlled circumstances so the moment we “arrest” our ego at work we could immediately also learn how to control it, how to harness its awesome driving force towards positive, mutually beneficial goals, purpose.