How can we best adapt to the constant changes around us?
Question from the Internet:
“How do you react and adapt to the rapid changes in your environment due to some circumstances?”
The really effective adaptation is about anticipating the changes and adjusting to them before they actually happen.
Doe this mean that we have to become “prophets”, knowing the future?!
No, but we can learn and actually sense all the laws, cause and effect processes that determine all the changes in our world and within us “behind the scenes”.
We can learn and understand the single “force-field” governing reality, the single, deterministic developmental/evolutionary plan we also have a predetermined role in.
Then we can constantly renew, proactively adapt ourselves to the plan and the cause and effect processes instead of waiting for the changes to pressure and force us to change.
All we need is a unique, purposeful, and highly practical educational method. This method — based on nature’s integral template and the laws that sustain the homeostasis life depends on, can constantly show us where we are still incompatible with Nature’s system and how we can change, upgrade ourselves to get closer to compatibility.
Then we will see that life is a constant, “cosmic” educational process where everything serves our “higher education” until we find and fulfill our unique, evolutionary Human role in the system.