How can we adapt to the growing, complicated threats of life?
Question from the Internet:
“How are we adapting to new and much more complicated threats we face in modern life? How are our gut instincts being impacted and adapting to protect us?”
Adaptation is not dictated by our gut instincts.
Our gut instincts are inherently egocentric, subjective, individualistic, we — our “guts”, instincts — are programmed to take care of the “self” only. By default we all act and exist as “single-cell” organisms, surviving individually at the expense of others — knowingly, unknowingly.
In order to adapt to the increasingly complicated, global, and integrated threats, adaptation means adapting to Nature’s fully integrated and interdependent system.
We will have to go through the same adaptation as single-cell organisms went through hundreds of millions of years ago. The huge difference and our Human advantage are that we will have to go through this adaptation consciously, proactively, by our own willingness, choice.
The process and the goal are the same. In order to survive in Nature’s system, to flow together with evolution, we have to resemble Nature’s mutually integrated, mutually complementing template. But while it went instinctively hundreds of millions of years ago in order to develop the Natural system including human beings by now, now we have to go through a conscious evolutionary revolution.
And this conscious “jump” will propel us from simple “humanoids”, blindly, instinctively living out their inherently cancer-like, single-cell, egocentric, and individualistic lives, to truly Human beings, that reach similarity with Nature consciously, above and against their original state, inner program.
This conscious self-adaptation, self-development will establish our predetermined, evolutionary Human role as conscious, integrated but independent observers and partners of nature, the only conscious element in the whole system!