How can we achieve worldwide peace and security?
Question from the Internet:
“If we were to achieve worldwide peace and security, what would have to be done?”
In order to promote peace and security around the world, first, we would need to understand why there is no peace in the world, and why human history is basically an endless chain of wars and conflicts.
Human history is an endless chain of wars and conflicts — continuing in our present generation — because we are all born with an inherently “warmongering” and ruthlessly competitive nature.
We are all born inherently egocentric, subjective, and individualistic. We all sense ourselves as independent beings, separated from others and the world. Human beings lack the instinctive “sense of belonging”, being part of nature’s “mutual guarantee”.
Through that “mutual guarantee”, each element in nature feels itself as an integral part of the system, with a defined role and purpose and full care and nurturing from the whole system in order to fulfill that role in the most optimal way.
From our distorted, egocentric, and subjective point of view, we see “evil animals” eating “poor and helpless” prey, but from nature’s all-encompassing point of view, from the viewpoint of the all-important general balance and homeostasis that life depends on, each element in nature is performing exactly the role they were created for. (Not to mention, that for example predators hunt and consume the weakest link of the species of the prey, promoting the health and most efficient development of that species, while consuming only what they need, leaving the rest to secondary predators and scavengers.)
Without this instinctive sense of belonging to the whole system as integral, mutually cooperating parts, human beings feel themselves existing in a hostile system, where we have to constantly fight and compete for our necessities and survival. Thus our whole life is defined by this competition and fight for survival, and since we also do not sense our true necessities and the available resources — being disconnected from nature — we all excessively accumulate and consume whatever we can while succeeding and surviving at the expense of others and nature.
In order to promote peace and security, we would need to build a “nature-like” mutual integration and mutual guarantee in human society. We would all need to learn how to become mutually responsible and mutually complementing “healthy cells” in humanity’s single living organism that is also an integral part of nature.
We would all need to find our most optimal, mutually complementing role and function in the system, while justly and proportionately receiving everything we deserve and need in order to continue that crucially important mutual contribution.
This requires a unique method, which can teach us and make us feel how inevitably and irrevocably interdependent we are, and how much our immediate and long-term survival hinges on this mutual integration. Obviously, this process will not happen to 8 billion people all at once. But if a so-called “critical minority” starts the process of self-change and self-development, mutually integrating with each other as nature’s elements do, they will be able to pull and guide the rest of humanity after them, while the rest of humanity will also awaken and soften as a result of expected and actual crisis situations and increasing worldwide suffering.