How can Jews show a united front against antisemitism?
An article in The Jerusalem Post:
My comment:
I agree. We are a single Nation with a single past, method, and foundation.
However, we are also vastly diverse and different in every possible aspect of life, and we are also scattered all over the globe due to the last exile.
So how, on what grounds could we unite and represent a united front?!
As many have already expressed, we need to unite around our single Homeland that is constantly under threat. More importantly, we need to unite around our single goal and purpose in this world: to become “Light unto others.”
As many of our great sages beautifully explained (for example, Rav Yehuda Ashlag in his landmark article “The Mutual Guarantee”), our purpose is to show others what our “supernatural” — above and against the inherently egocentric, selfish, individualistic, and exploitative human nature — unity and mutual guarantee means and how the instinctively cancer-like and destructive human beings can achieve such an improbable feat.
Without such acquired unity above instinctive separation, “acquired “brotherly love” against instinctive “unfounded hatred,” neither the Jewish Nation nor humanity can survive.
If we start to become “Ligh unto others” by showing our “shining” positive example of this Jewish unity and mutual guarantee, the world will understand why they need the Jews and why they cannot survive without Israel.
Our methodically achieved and sustained Jewish unity is the only remedy for continuing human survival and also against antisemitism.
The rest is just empty circus.