How can Israel recover from the Hamas massacre and its consequences?!
An article in The Jerusalem Post today:
It is very clear how Israel can recover from this disaster and prevent future ones. We have our whole millennia-long history to provide the answer.
Jews, the Nation of Israel, live or die according to the state of the unity and mutual guarantee between members of the Nation. As long as each member feels 100% responsible for each and every member of the Nation, we prevail and go from strength to strength. This is beautifully and precisely described in Rav Yehuda Ashlag’s landmark article, “HaArvut” (Mutual Guarantee).
And since Jews both inside and outside of Israel have long forgotten what true mutual guarantee is and we revive it only when it is already too late, after collective blows and at times of collective suffering, we need a unique “national dedication” program that can purposefully and practically help us understand, feel and keep alive the notion and practical implementation of mutual guarantee.
Then, it will be able to help us keep our unity above and despite our vast diversity, the vastly different opinions and aspirations — without suppressing or erasing anything — without the need for blows and suffering.
Then, we will also fulfill our national purpose of being “light unto others” in this self-destructive world!