How can human society work?
Question from the Internet:
“Can society work if every person really did what was best for them at all times?”
I think you get the answer when you look at our modern especially Western society today. When society is built on egocentric, self-serving, narcissistic, overconsuming individualism, promoting non-existent “individual freedom” society does not work but it falls apart.
The mutual responsibility, the mutually complementing cooperation that is required for cohesion, for the survival of society does not exist as each individual succeeds, survives at the expense of others, accumulating resources, profit regardless of the consequences, when even at times of common danger like a pandemic, all think only about themselves and their “rights”.
This behavior is completely against the laws of Nature that sustain the balance and homeostasis that is required for life in Nature’s fully integrated and interdependent system humanity is also an integral part of.
Human society can work only if we rebuild it according to Nature’s integral template — above and against our inherent nature, inner program.