Growing xenophobia, racism, nationalism are usually signs of an unsolvable Human crisis

Zsolt Hermann
1 min readJul 5, 2020

Whenever Humanity sinks into crisis, calamity, our instinctive distrust, hatred towards others - we don’t understand, we don’t have similarity with - grows.

Usually growing Antisemitism is one of the first sign of brewing crisis, then nationalism, xenophobia, Nazism, isolationism, discrimination grows, building up to “cold wars”, militant rhetoric until the only, last “viable solution” remains to defuse the unsolvable crisis: war.

So we can either keep watching this “movie”, the well-known script unfold as each time before, or we finally use our unique Human free choice, our unique Human mind capable of critical self-assessment and start changing the only thing that needs changing: ourselves, our own inherently selfish, egotistic, exploitative nature!

In our days this is very real, very sharp, pressing, as the usual civilization-ending explosion for our own failing civilization is around the corner!

Thus do we want to take it fate into our own hands by changing ourselves through a unique, practical educational method or not?!



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.