“Globalization” is obligated by Nature’s evolution
Globalization affects everybody and at all levels of Human activity.
Globalization - existing in a globally integrated, interdependent system where we are all 100% responsible for each other - is not “man-made”.
It is an evolutionary necessity.
We had to evolve into this global, integral world as only this way can we reach compatibility with Nature’s fully integrated, closed, living system - we are still part of, evolve with.
Nature’s plan of evolution is relentlessly progressing towards the most optimal integration among its diverse parts, elements. Humanity - as part of Nature - can’t remain, outside of this integration.
If we remain incompatible - with our excessive, exploitative system, cancer like survival at the expense of each other - we won’t have the right to survive in Nature and the system will reject us like a foreign body.
The perpetual, worsening crisis, the virus, our socio-economic collapse we feel now, is already part of this rejection.