Globalization is inevitable but we can use it properly through the right education
Question from the Internet:
“What do you think are the forces that affect deepening globalization?”
“Globalization" — existence in a globally integrated and interdependent world — is inevitable. Without Humanity becoming a single, global entity, integrated “super-organism" we remain incompatible with Nature’s fully integrated, harmonious system.
And if we remain incompatible with Nature the system will put pressure on us, try to reject us through its many different means — like the coronavirus for example — until we yield and become compatible.
So continuing, deepening globalization is not in our hands, it is not man-made but it is inevitable according to Natural evolution.
Still, from our side, we can positively, consciously contribute to the process by proactively, methodically adapting ourselves to Nature’s evolutionary direction.
Right now we are still using the inevitable integration, interconnections in the usual self-serving, exploitative ways, a small minority trying to manipulate, exploit the majority. And this leads to increasing crisis, socioeconomic collapse, even wars.
Thus everything depends on how quickly we recognize the need to adapt to Nature’s global, integral template. Our Human advantage in Nature is that we can consciously adapt and integrate compared to other animals that are blindly, instinctively integrated.
This is why we are born seemingly incompatible, opposite to Nature, so we could recognize our incompatibility and change, adapt ourselves through our own efforts. By that we will become Nature’s only conscious, unique, insider observers, partners.