Globalization — according to Nature
Question from the Internet:
“In the Leftwingoverse, are all countries abolished and united under the flag of a one-world global country, just like what globalists advocate and want?”
I agree with you that the way “globalization” is advocated, and pressured by certain movements and the mainstream media is plain wrong.
According to their ideology in order to create peace and equality in the global world we have to create brainwashed, drugged, sterilized homogenous “zombies” that all think and act alike. This is totally against human nature and against the laws of Nature.
Their attempt is obviously unsuccessful and blows up literally in their face, since our individual and national identity, uniqueness is part of our DNA and any attempts to suppress or erase such identities will invite extreme rebound reactions after a while.
Now we are living through such increasing rebound reactions all over the world.
On the other hand, existence in a global and fully integrated world is not our choice, we cannot develop it or reverse it by ourselves. Existence in a globally integrated and fully interdependent world is determined by strict and unforgiving laws of Nature, since creating and sustaining life is possible only in a closed, mutually integrated system where the general balance and homeostasis are constantly maintained.
And regardless of what we think, humanity is an integral part of Nature’s integral system so the same laws of Nature are obligatory for us as well. This means that sooner or later — either consciously, willingly and purposefully or as a result of increasing blows and suffering — global human society has to become mutually integrated and mutually complementing like Nature.
This does not mean abolishing our individual and national identities and uniqueness. It is the opposite. It means revealing, cherishing and further developing our unique qualities, our diversity and differences in opinions — but only in order to facilitate and strengthen the mutually responsible and mutually complementing global integration our collective survival depends on.