Global Humanity and the Soul
Question from the Internet:
What are your thoughts about “we are all connected spiritually to our souls”?
As we are learning day-to-day, we are all globally interconnected and interdependent, even in our physical lives.
Our life experiences, our desperate helplessness in solving problems through our inherently egocentric, subjective, and individualistic viewpoints teach us that, in effect, we are all individual cells in a global, mutually integrated human “super-organism,” which is also an integral part of nature’s fully integrated and interdependent living system.
We find it very difficult to accept it. And even if we speak about a global and integral world, even if we intellectually comprehend that we have to cooperate and coexist if we want to survive, when it comes to actual actions, our inherently egocentric, subjective, self-serving, and self-justifying instincts always overcome us.
We can’t yield and start making calculations and decisions, and we can’t work for the sake of others and the whole system, at least as much as we care for and work for ourselves, even if our physical health and survival depend on it. This is so least as long as it seems that our problems will come “in the future,” like in the case of climate change, pollution, and the destruction of the natural environment or in case of a potential nuclear world war, for example.
Actually, these problems are much closer, and they already affect us but we decide to keep our heads in the sand, ignoring what unfolds around us every day, or we let the 24/7 “circus and bread” brainwashing and actual substances numb us to actual reality.
So we have no choice. For our collective survival, we will have to learn and practice how to think and act as a single living organism with a single collective consciousness. And even if it seems and sounds far-fetched right now, if we do not start preparing ourselves towards such a state willingly and purposefully and most importantly proactively, very soon, terrible and intolerable suffering — from multiple sources and directions — will convince us.
But our physical survival is just the most obvious and immediate reason why we should start acting “as one man with one heart and mind.”
There is a much more important and qualitatively much higher reason to do so.
Through a “nature-like,” mutually responsible and mutually complementing mutual integration and mutually complementing cooperation, we will become similar to nature’s system. And through this similarity — which we have to achieve in contrast and above our inherently limited and distorted, egocentric, subjective, and individualistic viewpoints and calculations, we will become nature’s only fully conscious, inner observers and equal partners.
Through that special collective consciousness and “composite” perception of reality, when we all learn to exist and experience life through the desires and viewpoints of others, we will get a complete attainment of nature’s system. Moreover, since we rise above the egocentric and subjective limitations of time and space, we also start sensing existence beyond physical life or death, even while we still exist in our present bodies and in this world.
And it is this new consciousness and perception we achieve collectively that is called the “soul,” a new “sensory organ” to sense and enjoy life without any limitations and in partnership with natural reality and its forces.